Sunday, 22 August 2021

Jerome's Muffin Project

On this week's google meet our teacher gave us a project about making muffins. My Mum got chocolate cake powder when she heard about my muffin project. First, we poured the cake powder into the bowl it smelled nice. Second, we cracked open eggs and put the yolk and white in the bowl. Third, we added vegetable oil and water. I was able to use my math skills to measure the quantity of oil and water. Fourth, my Mum whisked the mixture and let me use the electric whisker. Then my sister wanted to put toppings and I didn't so we each split 6 and 6. My sister used Oreos as her topping. Fifth, we put them in the oven so they could cook and puff up. After this, my sister and I went to watch some TV. Then my Mum said that the muffins were done so when we finished our lunch we could have 1.


  1. Great effort Jerome. Thanks for sharing you baking adventure with us. Nice to see some images as well, they look delicious.

  2. Awesome Jerome! I like how you explained how you made them and how it linked to your maths knowledge. They look delicious. Whose do you think tasted better, yours or your sisters? (Very nice of you to let her join in the challenge too by the way)

  3. Hi Jerome. The muffins look scrumptious! Thanks for sharing the steps of your recipe. We've been baking afghans and cheese scones, delicious but does not agree with my waist line. I look forward to reading more of your blogs. Keep up the great work Jerome.

  4. Awesome post Jerome!

    That muffins look super yummy!

    You have done an excellent job describing the steps to make your muffins. Did you like using the electric whisker?
    I am planning on doing some baking this weekend, will give your recipe a try!

    Keep up the fantastic blogging:)

  5. Hi Jerome. Mmmmmmm, reading your blog post made me hungry!
    You have sequenced the steps very carefully. Anyone reading your post would be able to follow the procedure easily.
    What else could you cook during lockdown? Baking doesn't need to be complicated and some delicious things have few ingredients and are quick to make... and are very, very yummy!
    Keep up the posts and stay safe in your bubble.


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