Friday, 10 September 2021

Jerome's disgusting sandwich

 Through the week we've been doing some writing work. The type of writing we've been doing is procedural writing. Our task was to make a disgusting sandwich. Then write the ingredients down and wrote instructions on a step by step manner. In my sandwich there were nine steps.  I loved the activity because we could choose how disgusting. Here is the link to my sandwich work. Blog you later on my next activity.    


  1. Hi Jerome. Great instructions in your procedural writing. How about Step 10: Enjoy! Keep on blogging.

  2. Your sandwich sounds very interesting. I guess the slime and banana will mix nicely together. The toothpaste could me like the mayo? Great work with all your steps. Keep up your awesome effort.

  3. Great post Jerome!

    That sandwich does sound pretty gross!
    Good work on the procedural writing, I can clearly understand the steps you took to make this.

    Keep up the great work :)


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